
Utility class for escrow-related operations.

Code Example

from human_protocol_sdk.constants import ChainId
from human_protocol_sdk.escrow import EscrowUtils, EscorwFilter, Status

            date_from=datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 8),
            date_to=datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 8),


class human_protocol_sdk.escrow.escrow_utils.EscrowData(chain_id, id, address, amount_paid, balance, count, factory_address, launcher, status, token, total_funded_amount, created_at, final_results_url=None, intermediate_results_url=None, manifest_hash=None, manifest_url=None, recording_oracle=None, recording_oracle_fee=None, reputation_oracle=None, reputation_oracle_fee=None, exchange_oracle=None, exchange_oracle_fee=None)

Bases: object

__init__(chain_id, id, address, amount_paid, balance, count, factory_address, launcher, status, token, total_funded_amount, created_at, final_results_url=None, intermediate_results_url=None, manifest_hash=None, manifest_url=None, recording_oracle=None, recording_oracle_fee=None, reputation_oracle=None, reputation_oracle_fee=None, exchange_oracle=None, exchange_oracle_fee=None)

Initializes an EscrowData instance.

  • Parameters:

    • chain_id (ChainId) – Chain identifier

    • id (str) – Identifier

    • address (str) – Address

    • amount_paid (int) – Amount paid

    • balance (int) – Balance

    • count (int) – Count

    • factory_address (str) – Factory address

    • launcher (str) – Launcher

    • status (str) – Status

    • token (str) – Token

    • total_funded_amount (int) – Total funded amount

    • created_at (datetime) – Creation date

    • final_results_url (Optional[str]) – URL for final results.

    • intermediate_results_url (Optional[str]) – URL for intermediate results.

    • manifest_hash (Optional[str]) – Manifest hash.

    • manifest_url (Optional[str]) – Manifest URL.

    • recording_oracle (Optional[str]) – Recording Oracle address.

    • recording_oracle_fee (Optional[int]) – Recording Oracle fee.

    • reputation_oracle (Optional[str]) – Reputation Oracle address.

    • reputation_oracle_fee (Optional[int]) – Reputation Oracle fee.

    • exchange_oracle (Optional[str]) – Exchange Oracle address.

    • exchange_oracle_fee (Optional[int]) – Exchange Oracle fee.

class human_protocol_sdk.escrow.escrow_utils.EscrowUtils

Bases: object

A utility class that provides additional escrow-related functionalities.

static get_escrow(chain_id, escrow_address)

Returns the escrow for a given address.

  • Parameters:

    • chain_id (ChainId) – Network in which the escrow has been deployed

    • escrow_address (str) – Address of the escrow

  • Return type: Optional[EscrowData]

  • Returns: Escrow data

  • Example:

    from human_protocol_sdk.constants import ChainId
    from human_protocol_sdk.escrow import EscrowUtils

static get_escrows(filter)

Get an array of escrow addresses based on the specified filter parameters.

  • Parameters: filter (EscrowFilter) – Object containing all the necessary parameters to filter

  • Return type: List[EscrowData]

  • Returns: List of escrows

  • Example:

    from human_protocol_sdk.constants import ChainId
    from human_protocol_sdk.escrow import EscrowUtils, EscrowFilter, Status
                date_from=datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 8),
                date_to=datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 8),

static get_status_events(chain_id, statuses=None, date_from=None, date_to=None, launcher=None, first=10, skip=0, order_direction=OrderDirection.DESC)

Retrieve status events for specified networks and statuses within a date range.

  • Parameters:

    • chain_id (ChainId) – Network to request data.

    • (Optional[List[Status]]) (statuses) – List of statuses to filter by.

    • (Optional[datetime]****) (date_to) – Start date for the query range.

    • (Optional[datetime]****) – End date for the query range.

    • (Optional[str]****) (launcher) – Address of the launcher to filter by.

    • (int) (skip) – Number of items per page.

    • (int) – Page number to retrieve.

    • (OrderDirection) (order_direction) – Order of results, “asc” or “desc”.

  • Return List[StatusEvent]: List of status events matching the query parameters.

  • Raises: EscrowClientError – If an unsupported chain ID or invalid launcher address is provided.

  • Example:

    from datetime import datetime
    from human_protocol_sdk.constants import ChainId, Status
    from human_protocol_sdk.escrow import EscrowUtils
            networks=[ChainId.POLYGON_AMOY, ChainId.ETHEREUM],
            statuses=[Status.Pending, Status.Paid],
            date_from=datetime(2023, 1, 1),
            date_to=datetime(2023, 12, 31),
  • Return type: List[StatusEvent]

class human_protocol_sdk.escrow.escrow_utils.StatusEvent(timestamp, status, chain_id, escrow_address)

Bases: object

Initializes a StatusEvent instance.

  • Parameters:

    • timestamp (int) – The timestamp of the event.

    • status (str) – The status of the escrow.

    • chain_id (ChainId) – The chain identifier where the event occurred.

    • escrow_address (str) – The address of the escrow.

__init__(timestamp, status, chain_id, escrow_address)

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