
This client enables to perform actions on staking contracts and obtain staking information from both the contracts and subgraph.

Internally, the SDK will use one network or another according to the network ID of the web3. To use this client, you need to create Web3 instance, and configure default account, as well as some middlewares.

Code Example

  • With Signer

from eth_typing import URI
from web3 import Web3
from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware
from import load_provider_from_uri

from human_protocol_sdk.staking import StakingClient

def get_w3_with_priv_key(priv_key: str):
    w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
    gas_payer = w3.eth.account.from_key(priv_key)
    w3.eth.default_account = gas_payer.address
    return (w3, gas_payer)

(w3, gas_payer) = get_w3_with_priv_key('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY')
staking_client = StakingClient(w3)
  • Without Signer (For read operations only)

from eth_typing import URI
from web3 import Web3
from import load_provider_from_uri

from human_protocol_sdk.staking import StakingClient

w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
staking_client = StakingClient(w3)


class human_protocol_sdk.staking.staking_client.AllocationData(escrow_address, staker, tokens, created_at, closed_at)

Bases: object

__init__(escrow_address, staker, tokens, created_at, closed_at)

Initializes an AllocationData instance.

  • Parameters:

    • escrow_address (str) – Escrow address

    • staker (str) – Staker address

    • tokens (str) – Amount allocated

    • created_at (str) – Creation date

    • closed_at (str) – Closing date

class human_protocol_sdk.staking.staking_client.StakingClient(w3)

Bases: object

A class used to manage staking, and allocation on the HUMAN network.


Initializes a Staking instance

  • Parameters: w3 (Web3) – Web3 instance

allocate(escrow_address, amount, tx_options=None)

Allocates HMT token to the escrow.

  • Parameters:

    • escrow_address (str) – Address of the escrow

    • amount (Decimal) – Amount to allocate

    • tx_options (Optional[TxParams]) – (Optional) Additional transaction parameters

  • Return type: None

  • Returns: None

  • Validate:

    • Amount must be greater than 0

    • Escrow address must be valid

    • Amount must be less than or equal to the staked amount (on-chain)

  • Example:

    from eth_typing import URI
    from web3 import Web3
    from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware
    from import load_provider_from_uri
    from human_protocol_sdk.staking import StakingClient
    def get_w3_with_priv_key(priv_key: str):
        w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
        gas_payer = w3.eth.account.from_key(priv_key)
        w3.eth.default_account = gas_payer.address
        return (w3, gas_payer)
    (w3, gas_payer) = get_w3_with_priv_key('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY')
    staking_client = StakingClient(w3)
    amount = Web3.to_wei(5, 'ether') # convert from ETH to WEI
    staking_client.allocate('0x62dD51230A30401C455c8398d06F85e4EaB6309f', amount)

approve_stake(amount, tx_options=None)

Approves HMT token for Staking.

  • Parameters:

    • amount (Decimal) – Amount to approve

    • tx_options (Optional[TxParams]) – (Optional) Additional transaction parameters

  • Return type: None

  • Returns: None

  • Validate: Amount must be greater than 0

  • Example:

    from eth_typing import URI
    from web3 import Web3
    from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware
    from import load_provider_from_uri
    from human_protocol_sdk.staking import StakingClient
    def get_w3_with_priv_key(priv_key: str):
        w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
        gas_payer = w3.eth.account.from_key(priv_key)
        w3.eth.default_account = gas_payer.address
        return (w3, gas_payer)
    (w3, gas_payer) = get_w3_with_priv_key('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY')
    staking_client = StakingClient(w3)
    amount = Web3.to_wei(5, 'ether') # convert from ETH to WEI

close_allocation(escrow_address, tx_options=None)

Closes allocated HMT token from the escrow.

  • Parameters:

    • escrow_address (str) – Address of the escrow

    • tx_options (Optional[TxParams]) – (Optional) Additional transaction parameters

  • Return type: None

  • Returns: None

  • Validate:

    • Escrow address must be valid

    • Escrow should be cancelled / completed (on-chain)

  • Example:

    from eth_typing import URI
    from web3 import Web3
    from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware
    from import load_provider_from_uri
    from human_protocol_sdk.staking import StakingClient
    def get_w3_with_priv_key(priv_key: str):
        w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
        gas_payer = w3.eth.account.from_key(priv_key)
        w3.eth.default_account = gas_payer.address
        return (w3, gas_payer)
    (w3, gas_payer) = get_w3_with_priv_key('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY')
    staking_client = StakingClient(w3)

distribute_reward(escrow_address, tx_options=None)

Pays out rewards to the slashers for the specified escrow address.

  • Parameters:

    • escrow_address (str) – Address of the escrow

    • tx_options (Optional[TxParams]) – (Optional) Additional transaction parameters

  • Return type: None

  • Returns: None

  • Validate:

    • Escrow address must be valid

  • Example:

    from eth_typing import URI
    from web3 import Web3
    from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware
    from import load_provider_from_uri
    from human_protocol_sdk.staking import StakingClient
    def get_w3_with_priv_key(priv_key: str):
        w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
        gas_payer = w3.eth.account.from_key(priv_key)
        w3.eth.default_account = gas_payer.address
        return (w3, gas_payer)
    (w3, gas_payer) = get_w3_with_priv_key('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY')
    staking_client = StakingClient(w3)


Gets the allocation info for the specified escrow.

  • Parameters: escrow_address (str) – Address of the escrow

  • Return type: Optional[AllocationData]

  • Returns: Allocation info if escrow exists, otherwise None

  • Example:

    from eth_typing import URI
    from web3 import Web3
    from import load_provider_from_uri
    from human_protocol_sdk.staking import StakingClient
    w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
    staking_client = StakingClient(w3)
    allocation = staking_client.get_allocation(

slash(slasher, staker, escrow_address, amount, tx_options=None)

Slashes HMT token.

  • Parameters:

    • slasher (str) – Address of the slasher

    • staker (str) – Address of the staker

    • escrow_address (str) – Address of the escrow

    • amount (Decimal) – Amount to slash

    • tx_options (Optional[TxParams]) – (Optional) Additional transaction parameters

  • Return type: None

  • Returns: None

  • Validate:

    • Amount must be greater than 0

    • Amount must be less than or equal to the amount allocated to the escrow (on-chain)

    • Escrow address must be valid

  • Example:

    from eth_typing import URI
    from web3 import Web3
    from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware
    from import load_provider_from_uri
    from human_protocol_sdk.staking import StakingClient
    def get_w3_with_priv_key(priv_key: str):
        w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
        gas_payer = w3.eth.account.from_key(priv_key)
        w3.eth.default_account = gas_payer.address
        return (w3, gas_payer)
    (w3, gas_payer) = get_w3_with_priv_key('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY')
    staking_client = StakingClient(w3)
    amount = Web3.to_wei(5, 'ether') # convert from ETH to WEI

stake(amount, tx_options=None)

Stakes HMT token.

  • Parameters:

    • amount (Decimal) – Amount to stake

    • tx_options (Optional[TxParams]) – (Optional) Additional transaction parameters

  • Return type: None

  • Returns: None

  • Validate:

    • Amount must be greater than 0

    • Amount must be less than or equal to the approved amount (on-chain)

    • Amount must be less than or equal to the balance of the staker (on-chain)

  • Example:

    from eth_typing import URI
    from web3 import Web3
    from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware
    from import load_provider_from_uri
    from human_protocol_sdk.staking import StakingClient
    def get_w3_with_priv_key(priv_key: str):
        w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
        gas_payer = w3.eth.account.from_key(priv_key)
        w3.eth.default_account = gas_payer.address
        return (w3, gas_payer)
    (w3, gas_payer) = get_w3_with_priv_key('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY')
    staking_client = StakingClient(w3)
    amount = Web3.to_wei(5, 'ether')
        # convert from ETH to WEI
        # if it was already approved before, this is not necessary

unstake(amount, tx_options=None)

Unstakes HMT token.

  • Parameters:

    • amount (Decimal) – Amount to unstake

    • tx_options (Optional[TxParams]) – (Optional) Additional transaction parameters

  • Return type: None

  • Returns: None

  • Validate:

    • Amount must be greater than 0

    • Amount must be less than or equal to the staked amount which is not locked / allocated (on-chain)

  • Example:

    from eth_typing import URI
    from web3 import Web3
    from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware
    from import load_provider_from_uri
    from human_protocol_sdk.staking import StakingClient
    def get_w3_with_priv_key(priv_key: str):
        w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
        gas_payer = w3.eth.account.from_key(priv_key)
        w3.eth.default_account = gas_payer.address
        return (w3, gas_payer)
    (w3, gas_payer) = get_w3_with_priv_key('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY')
    staking_client = StakingClient(w3)
    amount = Web3.to_wei(5, 'ether') # convert from ETH to WEI


Withdraws HMT token.

  • Parameters: tx_options (Optional[TxParams]) – (Optional) Additional transaction parameters

  • Return type: None

  • Returns: None

  • Validate:

    • There must be unstaked tokens which is unlocked (on-chain)

  • Example:

    from eth_typing import URI
    from web3 import Web3
    from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware
    from import load_provider_from_uri
    from human_protocol_sdk.staking import StakingClient
    def get_w3_with_priv_key(priv_key: str):
        w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
        gas_payer = w3.eth.account.from_key(priv_key)
        w3.eth.default_account = gas_payer.address
        return (w3, gas_payer)
    (w3, gas_payer) = get_w3_with_priv_key('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY')
    staking_client = StakingClient(w3)

exception human_protocol_sdk.staking.staking_client.StakingClientError

Bases: Exception

Raises when some error happens when interacting with staking.

Last updated
