
Module containing Inter Rater Agreement Measures.

human_protocol_sdk.agreement.measures.agreement(annotations, measure='krippendorffs_alpha', labels=None, bootstrap_method=None, bootstrap_kwargs=None, measure_kwargs=None)

Calculates agreement across the given data using the given method.

  • Parameters:

    • annotations (Sequence) – Annotation data. Must be a N x M Matrix, where N is the number of annotated items and M is the number of annotators. Missing values must be indicated by nan.

    • measure – Specifies the method to use. Must be one of ‘cohens_kappa’, ‘percentage’, ‘fleiss_kappa’, ‘sigma’ or ‘krippendorffs_alpha’.

    • labels (Optional[Sequence]) – List of labels to use for the annotation. If set to None, labels are inferred from the data. If provided, values not in the labels are set to nan.

    • bootstrap_method (Optional[str]) – Name of the bootstrap method to use for calculating confidence intervals. If set to None, no confidence intervals are calculated. If provided, must be one of ‘percentile’ or ‘bca’.

    • bootstrap_kwargs (Optional[dict]) – Dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to the bootstrap function.

    • measure_kwargs (Optional[dict]) – Dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to the measure function.

  • Return type: dict

  • Returns: A dictionary containing the keys “results” and “config”. Results contains the scores, while config contains parameters that produced the results.

  • Example:

    from human_protocol_sdk.agreement import agreement
    annotations = [
        ['cat', 'not', 'cat'],
        ['cat', 'cat', 'cat'],
        ['not', 'not', 'not'],
        ['cat', 'nan', 'not'],
    agreement_report = agreement(annotations, measure="fleiss_kappa")
    # {
    #     'results': {
    #         'measure': 'fleiss_kappa',
    #         'score': 0.3950000000000001,
    #         'ci': None,
    #         'confidence_level': None
    #     },
    #     'config': {
    #         'measure': 'fleiss_kappa',
    #         'labels': array(['cat', 'not'], dtype='<U3'),
    #         'data': array([['cat', 'not', 'cat'],
    #                        ['cat', 'cat', 'cat'],
    #                        ['not', 'not', 'not'],
    #                        ['cat', '', 'not']], dtype='<U3'),
    #         'bootstrap_method': None,
    #         'bootstrap_kwargs': {},
    #         'measure_kwargs': {}
    #     }
    # }


Returns Cohen’s Kappa for the provided annotations.

  • Parameters: annotations (ndarray) – Annotation data. Must be a N x M Matrix, where N is the number of annotated items and M is the number of annotators. Missing values must be indicated by nan.

  • Return type: float

  • Returns: Value between -1.0 and 1.0, indicating the degree of agreement between both raters.

  • Example:

    from human_protocol_sdk.agreement.measures import cohens_kappa
    import numpy as np
    annotations = np.asarray([
            ["cat", "cat"],
            ["cat", "cat"],
            ["not", "cat"],
            ["not", "cat"],
            ["cat", "not"],
            ["not", "not"],
            ["not", "not"],
            ["not", "not"],
            ["not", "not"],
            ["not", "not"],
    # 0.348


Returns Fleisss’ Kappa for the provided annotations.

  • Parameters: annotations (ndarray) – Annotation data. Must be a N x M Matrix, where N is the number of items and M is the number of annotators.

  • Return type: float

  • Returns: Value between -1.0 and 1.0, indicating the degree of agreement between all raters.

  • Example:

    from human_protocol_sdk.agreement.measures import fleiss_kappa
    import numpy as np
    # 3 raters, 2 classes
    annotations = np.asarray([
        ["cat", "not", "cat"],
        ["cat", "cat", "cat"],
        ["not", "not", "not"],
        ["cat", "cat", "not"],
    # 0.395

human_protocol_sdk.agreement.measures.krippendorffs_alpha(annotations, distance_function)

Calculates Krippendorff’s Alpha for the given annotations (item-value pairs), using the given distance function.

  • Parameters:

    • annotations (ndarray) – Annotation data. Must be a N x M Matrix, where N is the number of annotated items and M is the number of annotators. Missing values must be indicated by nan.

    • distance_function (Union[Callable, str]) – Function to calculate distance between two values. Calling distance_fn(annotations[i, j], annotations[p, q]) must return a number. Can also be one of ‘nominal’, ‘ordinal’, ‘interval’ or ‘ratio’ for default functions pertaining to the level of measurement of the data.

  • Return type: float

  • Returns: Value between -1.0 and 1.0, indicating the degree of agreement.

  • Example:

    from human_protocol_sdk.agreement.measures import krippendorffs_alpha
    import numpy as np
    annotations = np.asarray([
        [0, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 1]]
    print(krippendorffs_alpha(annotations, distance_function="nominal"))
    # 0.375


Returns the overall agreement percentage observed across the data.

  • Parameters: annotations (ndarray) – Annotation data. Must be a N x M Matrix, where N is the number of annotated items and M is the number of annotators. Missing values must be indicated by nan.

  • Return type: float

  • Returns: Value between 0.0 and 1.0, indicating the percentage of agreement.

  • Example:

    from human_protocol_sdk.agreement.measures import percentage
    import numpy as np
    annotations = np.asarray([
        ["cat", "not", "cat"],
        ["cat", "cat", "cat"],
        ["not", "not", "not"],
        ["cat", "cat", "not"],
    # 0.7

human_protocol_sdk.agreement.measures.sigma(annotations, distance_function, p=0.05)

Calculates the Sigma Agreement Measure for the given annotations (item-value pairs), using the given distance function. For details, see

  • Parameters:

    • annotations (ndarray) – Annotation data. Must be a N x M Matrix, where N is the number of annotated items and M is the number of annotators. Missing values must be indicated by nan.

    • distance_function (Union[Callable, str]) – Function to calculate distance between two values. Calling distance_fn(annotations[i, j], annotations[p, q]) must return a number. Can also be one of ‘nominal’, ‘ordinal’, ‘interval’ or ‘ratio’ for default functions pertaining to the level of measurement of the data.

    • p – Probability threshold between 0.0 and 1.0 determining statistical significant difference. The lower, the stricter.

  • Return type: float

  • Returns: Value between 0.0 and 1.0, indicating the degree of agreement.

  • Example:

    from human_protocol_sdk.agreement.measures import sigma
    import numpy as np
    n_items = 500
    n_annotators = 5
    # create annotations
    annotations = np.random.rand(n_items, n_annotators)
    means = np.random.rand(n_items, 1) * 100
    scales = np.random.randn(n_items, 1) * 10
    annotations = annotations * scales + means
    d = "interval"
    print(sigma(annotations, d))
    # 0.6538

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