
Utility class for KVStore-related operations.

Code Example

from human_protocol_sdk.constants import ChainId
from human_protocol_sdk.kvstore import KVStoreUtils



class human_protocol_sdk.kvstore.kvstore_utils.KVStoreData(key, value)

Bases: object

__init__(key, value)

Initializes a KVStoreData instance.

  • Parameters:

    • key (str) – Key

    • value (str) – Value

class human_protocol_sdk.kvstore.kvstore_utils.KVStoreUtils

Bases: object

A utility class that provides additional KVStore-related functionalities.

static get(chain_id, address, key)

Gets the value of a key-value pair in the contract.

  • Parameters:

    • chain_id (ChainId) – Network in which the KVStore data has been deployed

    • address (str) – The Ethereum address associated with the key-value pair

    • key (str) – The key of the key-value pair to get

  • Return type: str

  • Returns: The value of the key-value pair if it exists

  • Example:

    from human_protocol_sdk.constants import ChainId
    from human_protocol_sdk.kvstore import KVStoreUtils
    chain_id = ChainId.POLYGON_AMOY
    address = '0x62dD51230A30401C455c8398d06F85e4EaB6309f'
    key = 'role'
    result = KVStoreUtils.get(chain_id, address, key)

static get_file_url_and_verify_hash(chain_id, address, key='url')

Gets the URL value of the given entity, and verify its hash.

  • Parameters:

    • chain_id (ChainId) – Network in which the KVStore data has been deployed

    • address (str) – Address from which to get the URL value.

    • key (Optional[str]) – Configurable URL key. url by default.

  • Return url: The URL value of the given address if exists, and the content is valid

  • Example:

    from human_protocol_sdk.constants import ChainId
    from human_protocol_sdk.kvstore import KVStoreUtils
    chain_id = ChainId.POLYGON_AMOY
    address = '0x62dD51230A30401C455c8398d06F85e4EaB6309f'
    url = KVStoreUtils.get_file_url_and_verify_hash(chain_id, address)
    linkedin_url = KVStoreUtils.get_file_url_and_verify_hash(chain_id, address, 'linkedin_url')
  • Return type: str

static get_kvstore_data(chain_id, address)

Returns the KVStore data for a given address.

  • Parameters:

    • chain_id (ChainId) – Network in which the KVStore data has been deployed

    • address (str) – Address of the KVStore

  • Return type: Optional[List[KVStoreData]]

  • Returns: List of KVStore data

  • Example:

    from human_protocol_sdk.constants import ChainId
    from human_protocol_sdk.kvstore import KVStoreUtils

static get_public_key(chain_id, address)

Gets the public key of the given entity, and verify its hash.

  • Parameters:

    • chain_id (ChainId) – Network in which the KVStore data has been deployed

    • address (str) – Address from which to get the public key.

  • Return public_key: The public key of the given address if exists, and the content is valid

  • Example:

    from human_protocol_sdk.constants import ChainId
    from human_protocol_sdk.kvstore import KVStoreUtils
    chain_id = ChainId.POLYGON_AMOY
    address = '0x62dD51230A30401C455c8398d06F85e4EaB6309f'
    public_key = KVStoreUtils.get_public_key(chain_id, address)
  • Return type: str

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