This client enables to perform actions on KVStore contract and obtain information from both the contracts and subgraph.
Internally, the SDK will use one network or another according to the network ID of the web3. To use this client, you need to create Web3 instance, and configure default account, as well as some middlewares.
Code Example
With Signer
from eth_typing import URI
from web3 import Web3
from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware
from import load_provider_from_uri
from human_protocol_sdk.kvstore import KVStoreClient
def get_w3_with_priv_key(priv_key: str):
w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
gas_payer = w3.eth.account.from_key(priv_key)
w3.eth.default_account = gas_payer.address
return (w3, gas_payer)
(w3, gas_payer) = get_w3_with_priv_key('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY')
kvstore_client = KVStoreClient(w3)
Without Signer (For read operations only)
from eth_typing import URI
from web3 import Web3
from import load_provider_from_uri
from human_protocol_sdk.kvstore import KVStoreClient
w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
kvstore_client = KVStoreClient(w3)
class human_protocol_sdk.kvstore.kvstore_client.KVStoreClient(web3, gas_limit=None)
Bases: object
A class used to manage kvstore on the HUMAN network.
__init__(web3, gas_limit=None)
Initializes a KVStore instance.
Parameters:web3 (Web3) – The Web3 object
get(address, key)
Gets the value of a key-value pair in the contract.
address (str) – The Ethereum address associated with the key-value pair
key (str) – The key of the key-value pair to get
Return type:str
Returns: The value of the key-value pair if it exists
from eth_typing import URI
from web3 import Web3
from import load_provider_from_uri
from human_protocol_sdk.kvstore import KVStoreClient
w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
kvstore_client = KVStoreClient(w3)
role = kvstore_client.get('0x62dD51230A30401C455c8398d06F85e4EaB6309f', 'Role')
get_file_url_and_verify_hash(address, key='url')
Gets the URL value of the given entity, and verify its hash.
address (str) – Address from which to get the URL value.
key (Optional[str]) – Configurable URL key. url by default.
Return url: The URL value of the given address if exists, and the content is valid
from eth_typing import URI
from web3 import Web3
from import load_provider_from_uri
from human_protocol_sdk.kvstore import KVStoreClient
w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
kvstore_client = KVStoreClient(w3)
url = kvstore_client.get_file_url_and_verify_hash(
linkedin_url = kvstore_client.get_file_url_and_verify_hash(
Return type:str
Gets the public key of the given entity, and verify its hash.
Parameters:address (str) – Address from which to get the public key.
Return public_key: The public key of the given address if exists, and the content is valid
from eth_typing import URI
from web3 import Web3
from import load_provider_from_uri
from human_protocol_sdk.kvstore import KVStoreClient
w3 = Web3(load_provider_from_uri(URI("http://localhost:8545")))
kvstore_client = KVStoreClient(w3)
public_key = kvstore_client.get_public_key(
Return type:str
set(key, value, tx_options=None)
Sets the value of a key-value pair in the contract.
key (str) – The key of the key-value pair to set
value (str) – The value of the key-value pair to set